Subject: Archive Legal Discussions 1 Author: Message Boards Uploaded By: Ratatat Date: 1/1/1996 File: LEGDIS01.TXT (94698 bytes) Estimated Download Time (31034 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 259 Needs: text reader Archive #1 Posts from Special Education Folder: Legal Discussions File Name: LEGDIS01.TXT 35 Pages I suggest because of the length that you open this file in your word processor rather than the AOL text reader so that you will be able to scroll and read the entire file. When downloading use the directions on the path destination window to tell your system to save to the drive where your disk is located. To read the file use the FILE menu in AOL or your word processor, and click on Open File. Indicate through the commands the location you have written down and click Okay. If you are reading in your word processor, quit AOL first (this will help save you money). If you are reading in the AOL text reader remember that longer files may not all fit in the window, so you may have to use your word processor. For more information on how to open a file in your particular word processor software, check your manual or use the help fuction provided.